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Student Health 101

College life is filled with many opportunities and life experiences. You will be responsible for making choices, including choices about your health and safety. In addition to the clothes, computer and day-to-day items you will bring with you for your college experience, don’t forget to pack the following:

  • A list of any medicines you take, both prescription and OTC (over-the-counter), including dosages.
  • A list of your allergies.
  • A list of your past medical problems (for example, if you had surgery or were in the hospital).
  • A record of any mental health problems.
  • Your that shows which shots you have had, including the type of vaccine, when you got it, and if you had any side effects.
  • Proof of health insurance. Are you still going to be on your parents’ policy? If so, take a copy of the insurance card with you. Find out what type of plan you have, what is covered, how to file claims and what to do in case of an emergency.
  • First aid kit for small emergencies. Make sure to include:
    •  Bandages for small cuts and scrapes
    • Gauze and adhesive tape
    • An elastic bandage for wrapping sprains
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Neosporin or another type of antibacterial/antibiotic ointment
    • A digital thermometer
    • An ice/cold pack that can be reused
    • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches, pains and fevers
    • Other medicines (ask your pediatrician or family physician for suggestions)

Keeping yourself healthy is the best way to avoid getting sick.

Don’t skimp on rest! Sleep deprivation can cause minor illnesses, depression, trouble concentrating in class and study for tests.

Eat well! Vending machine food or fast food may be a quick and cheap choice when you are busy but eating well is important. ACU’s World Famous Bean has so many choices that it makes it easy to eat healthy and to find foods you like.

Exercise! Staying healthy means getting enough exercise or activity in your day, even if it is just walking. Every little bit helps.

Don’t ignore these symptoms!
Call the Medical Clinic right away if you have:

  • A fever of 102 degrees or higher
  • A headache accompanied by a stiff neck
  • Pain in urination
  • An unusual discharge from your penis or vagina
  • A change in your menstrual cycle
  • Pain in the abdomen that will not go away
  • A persistent cough, chest pain, or trouble breathing
  • Pain or any other symptoms that worry you or last longer than you think they should