WWW Stories

Learn about the incredible ways that our WorldWide Witness stydents have served both abroad and locally

An Overview from One WWW Summer

Twins Go Separate Places for the Summer

WWhen Plans Don't Work Out, God has Something Better in Mind

Interns Dance Across the Globe!

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And here are some written stories

Student quotes about BMIS 391, the WWW spring training class

“One of the most significant lessons we have discussed so far is our attitude towards short-term missions: our spirit should always be one of a servant and a student. If we go with any other spirit, we are probably doing more harm than good.”
-Allie Brandon, March 24th
(referring to purpose and lessons learned from BMIS class)

Student quotes about their WWW summer

"I don’t think my heart could be any more full, forreal. SO FULL. So present and so full. Had I not been present or available to what God was doing in the now, I would have missed the whole thing. And that doesn’t just apply to working with rambunctious kiddos all day, it applies to life. Right now, God is teaching me to be present. Present in life, in my faith, and the kiddos.”
-Vaught/Morel, Costa Rica Team,  June 29