Transferring Classes to ACU

For Prospective Students   

Please go to the ACU Admissions pages for Transfer Students to find out important information about transferring to ACU, including having  transfer course work assessed. For information on transferring courses, please click here.

For Currently Enrolled Students   

Policies and more information related to transferring courses after enrolling are found in the ACU catalog.

For students seeking to take courses away from ACU, no prior approval is needed, but students should be aware of how those courses will count in their current degree plan.

One significant resource for determining course credit is the Texas Common Course Numbering System.  This is a site run through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that uses the subject and course numbers from most Texas schools and provides places for department chairs to equate those courses to ACU courses.  Once on the TCCNS site, click on the 'Compare Institutions' link.  From there, choose to see courses for ACU and any of the other 188 institutions who participate in the TCCNS project.  The courses will appear side-by-side for easy comparison.

For courses at non-Texas institutions, students will need to take the course description for the course to the academic department for which the course would be credited and discuss the course with the department chair.  Course descriptions for courses from other colleges can be obtained by using CollegeSource, an online resource for course catalogs from other institutions.  

In addition to the course description, students should take a copy of the Course Equivalency Form to the academic department chair.  The department chair may use this form to equate the course the student intends to take with an ACU course.

If you have questions about the course equivalency process, please contact your academic advisor or the Registrar's office at