Academic Probation

The Academic Development Center provides support for freshmen students, undeclared students and students from specific departments who are placed on academic probation after at least one semester at ACU. After receiving academic counseling regarding prior semester performance, the ADC partners with students to create a plan for building better study habits and improving their GPA. Each student’s situation is unique, so an individual counselor is assigned to assist them throughout the semester.

How is a student placed on academic probation?
There are two criteria for a student to be placed on academic probation from good standing:

  1. A student has a cumulative GPA between 1.0 and 1.99, and/or
  2. A student has a semester GPA below 2.0.  If at any point a student’s cumulative GPA is below a 1.0, then they are placed on academic suspension. In a student’s first semester, their semester GPA is also their cumulative GPA, so a GPA below a 1.0 will result in academic suspension.


What are the requirements while on academic probation?
When a student is on Academic Probation they are required to sign a contract with their probation counselor, which may include the following components:

  • Enrollment in and the successful completion of a Learning Strategies Course
  • Willingness to work in partnership with your probation counselor to ensure the successful completion of the semester. This includes scheduled meetings as often as deemed necessary with a minimum of twice a semester.
  • Complete the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) and discuss the results with an academic counselor.
  • Willingness to work in partnership with your academic advisor to ensure that you are on track with your degree plan. This includes scheduling a meeting with your advisor for at least once during each semester you are enrolled at the University.
  • Participation in personal counseling through the University Counseling Center if deemed necessary.
  • Apply for and, if eligible, work with the Alpha Scholars Program on a regular basis.


What are the consequences of academic probation?
During the semester that the student is on academic probation:

  • The student may not participate in Social Club activities.
  • The student may not participate in Sing Song acts. They may, however, participate in Freshman Ushers.
  • There may be financial aid and scholarship implications.
  • The student may not participate in Study Abroad programs.
  • The student cannot hold any elected or appointed officer position in any student organization.


How does a student get off of academic probation and return to good standing?
In order to satisfy the requirements for academic probation and return to good standing:

  • The student must meet with and sign a contract with their Probation Counselor.
  • The student must complete the requirements of the contract.
  • The student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and a semester GPA of at least 2.0.